Czechitas created an interactive map of cycling in Liberec. Based on data from Bike to work

Where, how and why do you ride a bike in Liberec? This is what Magdaléna Janoušková and Katarína Vráblová decided to analyze as part of the course of the non-profit organization Czechitas. They worked with the data from our To práce na bike challenge and created a map of the movement of cyclists in the North Bohemian metropolis.

In the three-month course Data: Step by Step, participants prepare for a future career as data analysts. And Katarína and Magdaléna are fans of the Go to work by bike challenge, and in addition to data, they are also interested in urbanism, so they decided to combine the pleasant with the useful. They approached AutoMat with a request to provide datasets about the routes of the participants of the May Challenge. “Rather than working on something fictitious, we would rather focus on a topic that is actually being addressed at the moment and needs to be worked on,” Katarína wrote to us.

⮕ Article and study Czechitas ⬅

Why Liberec?

By mutual agreement, we were happy to provide them data from the May Challenge 2023 in Liberec, which does not receive as much attention as Prague or Brno in terms of bicycle transport. “We wanted to draw attention to the cycling culture in Liberec and support local efforts to improve the cycling infrastructure. And for these purposes, the creation of an interactive map appeared to us to be the best solution,” the authors of the data map explain.

This is how the interactive map of Liberec looks like

Who rides where?

Her task was to visualize the intensity of rides and identify the busiest roads, as well as cyclists’ preferred routes. “We further explored the differences in route preferences between men and women. We used a color scheme where the color purple represented men and the color red represented women. This allowed us to effectively visualize and compare the intensity and choice of routes based on gender,” explains Katarína. In addition, there is also a layer on the map that visualizes the cycling infrastructure in the entire Liberec region.

Na výsledek mrkněte sami

Přečtěte si o tom, jak konkrétně při své práci postupovaly a jak vypadá její výsledek. „Práce na projektu nás bavila a určitě bychom se rády mapě dále věnovaly i po skončení kurzu a doladily detaily,“ uzavírá Katarína. A nám nezbývá než dodat: Dobrá práce a děkujeme!

Take a look at the result for yourself

Read about how they specifically proceeded with their work and what the result looks like. “We enjoyed working on the project and we would certainly like to continue working on the map even after the course is over and fine-tune the details,” Katarína concludes. And we can only add: Good job and thank you!

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