v Kavárně na Boršově od 18 h
Otevíráme registrace do Květnové výzvy 2025 za nejvýhodnější startovné
Přijměte naši „hlavní" výzvu a zkuste do jeden měsíc do práce na vlastní pohon
The company Auto*Mat, z.s. has been an association since January 1, 2014. The change results from the new Civil Code. The change in subsequent laws also moved the records from the Ministry of the Interior to the Commercial Register. That is why you can now find us in the Commercial Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague.
Electronic correspondence addresses (we prefer here):
Data box: 79ztquz
E-mail: auto-mat@auto-mat.cz
(for a quick response, please contact the people responsible for specific topics)
Data box: 79ztquz
E-mail: auto-mat@auto-mat.cz
(for a quick response, please contact the people responsible for specific topics)
Correspondence address for paper mail:
Auto*Mat, z. s.
Slezsiá 2033/11
Prague 2 – Vinohrady
120 00
phone: 212 240 666 (Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00)
phone helpdesk Bike to Work:
234 697 808 (Mon-Thurs 9:00-16:00, Fri: 9:00-15:00)
Auto*Mat, z. s.
Slezská 2033/11, 120 00 Praha 2
IČ: 22670319 / DIČ: CZ22670319
registrace u MV ČR dne 19. 9. 2007 pod číslem VS/1-1/68 776/07-R
nově spisová značka L 18119 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze
(excluding supporter donations)
AutoMat account number: 2601085491 /2010 (Fio Banka)
IBAN: CZ57 2010 0000 0026 0108 5491
Donations from supporters
If you want to give us a donation other than through the donation form, please contact Ondřej Suk – ondrej.suk@auto-mat.cz.
The bank account of the AutoMat Friends Club (also with Fio Banka) is 2400063333/2010.
IBAN CZ8620100000002400063333
Chief Executive Officer
Martin Šotola
Financial Director
Hana Hakl
AutoMat Board of Directors
Hana Hakl, Václav Kugler, Daniel Mourek
According to the articles of association, the members of the board of directors act for AutoMat.
Do práce na kole
Lucie Rýzlerová
Laboratoř udržitelného urbanismu
Michal Kalina
Zažít město jinak
Barbora Hradečná
PR and communication with the media
Anna Kociánová
Klub of AutoMat Fiends – individual donations
Ondřej Suk
donations of companies and institutions
Lucia Bartovičová
Klára Dušáková
office manager
Veronika Brůhová
Zuzana Macháčková
Anna Kolářová