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Laboratoř udržitelného urbanismu
In our laboratory, we check, analyze and remind municipal decisions and plans so that the Municipality or the Town Hall do not act against the public interest and do not damage public space. We publish and present our own studies, negotiate with politicians, propose more suitable solutions to traffic problems and bring them inspiration from the Czech Republic and abroad.
The team currently consisting of Michal Kalina, Vratislav Filler, Daniel Bečvář and Zuzana Poláková has been trying for more than ten years to ensure that Prague transport is planned with an emphasis on long-term sustainability – similarly to many foreign metropolises.
The Laboratory activity is the oldest activity in AutoMat, started by Martin Mareček’s document auto*mat.
Series of topics and recommendations of the AutoMat association for the sustainable development of Prague before the 2022 municipal elections
The key topic for us is transport planning and the principles of sustainable mobility in the city's strategic documents.
The Laboratory team is systematically and long-term dedicated to improving the conditions for bicycle transport in Prague.
Support Laboratory of Sustainble Urbanism
Your donations enable us to independently monitor, analyze and comment on Prague's transport and territorial policies.