The year 2022 was (not only in AutoMat) really turbulent. All year long, our Laboratory of Sustainable Urbanism (LAB) has been monitoring events in the field of transport and public space. What did we achieve in 2022, what did we start with and what awaits us?
After 6 years of courts and negotiations with the city district, we helped to return important two-way bicycle lanes to Karlín. We prepared the Ideal Program, a summary of thirty topics for Prague in the upcoming election period. We handed over the analysis, including recommendations on (sustainable) transport, affordable housing, a city for all and citizen participation to the newly elected representatives.
We processed a total of 95 objections to the new spatial plan in the areas of transport and building regulations and, thanks to the signatures obtained, we submitted them as representatives of the public. We demanded the provision of principles leading to more sustainable construction and transport. As part of the long-term monitoring of accident rates, we prepared and published a summary analysis of Prague accidents involving bicycles for the entire year 2021. We negotiated with the Ministry of Transport and BESIP with the aim of stopping the upcoming restriction of the lateral distance rule, which would lead to its de facto unenforceability. The Minister of Transport withdrew the proposal for the time being.
We organized a screening of films about the transport of urbanism Městem (Through the City), at which we brought three previously unscreened films to the Czech Republic and debates with the filmmakers and experts. Together with 800 people on bicycles and representatives of 9 embassies, we rode through Prague as part of the World Cycle Ride. We mentioned the territorial studies of Nové Dvory, Palmovka and Kolovraty-sever, as well as proposals for changes to the territorial plan for the Bubny-Zátory and Florence areas.
Together with other volunteers, we commented on a number of proposed measures of a general nature, which lacked suitable measures for pedestrians and cyclists, or we tried to change them through direct negotiations with the authorities. We organized two cycling workshops – educational meetings for beginners and experienced urban cyclists. We prepared a comprehensive lecture on Prague’s cycling infrastructure and prepared an analysis of the shortcomings in domestic cycling legislation. As part of our neighborhood festivities Zažít město jinak and the European Mobility Week, we organized an urban walk around Bubny and a ride around the cycling infrastructure in the center of Prague. Together with other volunteers, we cleaned up a section of the A2 cycle path under the banner Cyklisté sobě in the autumn and tried out experimental techniques. We have prepared roughly a dozen road marking projects, which we applied either as part of comments or in agreement with the authorities as the basis for new measures of a general nature. We have prepared a cycling accessibility map for OC Zličín. We are updating the cycling infrastructure database for IPR.
The neighborhood festival Zažít město jinak broke all previous records again this year! Despite the not-so-favorable weather, streets, backyards, squares and parks came to life in almost two hundred locations throughout the country.
The theme of the festivities “Without Barriers“, which referred to barriers in public space and in our heads, was joined by a number of organizers of Experience the City Differently. How do seniors move around the city? How can blind people view images? How does a multi-lane road disrupt the lives of the locals and what can be done about it? What should the city look like for everyone? We were able to try all of this or discuss it with people who overcome barriers every day. In dozens of localities, it was possible to involve new neighbors from Ukraine and offer a taste of not only Ukrainian cuisine, but also dances and poetry. Our donors contributed to the translation of information materials into Ukrainian by purchasing a charity t-shirt.
We are most happy, however, that the neighborhood communities that arise around the festivities function actively throughout the rest of the year, enlivening their surroundings and often turning into civic associations.
Bike to Work, scooter, on foot or at a trot. This has been the motto of the challenges organized by the AutoMat association for 12 years. How did we do this year? Almost 25,000 enthusiasts from all over the country took part in the “flagship” May challenge Do work by bike. They either let themselves be encouraged to try sustainable modes of transport for the very first time, or as skilled cyclists and pedestrians, they wanted to point out the importance of active mobility for our cities. With anonymized data, they also contributed to the identification of problem areas of the city’s infrastructure.
In numbers, it looks like we drove, walked and ran almost 6.3 million km together in May – i.e. a distance more than eight times to the moon and back. At the same time, we theoretically saved almost 811 tons of CO2 emissions, which is roughly the amount absorbed by 811 trees in 100 years. Additional green kilometers and tons of emissions saved were then added by thousands of people who signed up for the January and September Bike to Work challenge.
But it’s not just about record numbers. What is important is that the vast majority of challenge participants want to continue sustainable transport for the rest of the season.
We also motivated employers and, as part of a special category, they appreciated it when they allow you to safely lock your bike in the company, take a shower, or when they organize a joint cycling trip or workshop.
We also monitor the development of infrastructure for people on bikes and on foot in the regions. We also awarded the Cycling City of the Year and the Cykloskokan category to the town that has made the most recent progress. The winners won a trip to Munich for more inspiration.
None of the Bike to Work challenges could take place without active local and corporate coordinators, participants, but also without our donors. You can support the challenge and long-term efforts of the AutoMat association for better cities at Thanks!
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