Bike to Work

The Bike to Work Challenge is a long-term project of the AutoMat association to support urban cycling and other types of active and sustainable transport (walking, running). Every year, several thousand managers, scientists, doctors, bankers, craftsmen and students go to work or school across the country by bike or on foot.

The aim of the challenge is to popularize the topic of personal sustainable transport, draw attention to its ecological, health and economic advantages and make it easier for people to integrate non-motorised transport into their everyday life. At the same time, we are building and developing a community of people who are not indifferent to what is happening around them. The challenge is not about the number of kilometers, but about changes in traffic habits – the main category is the regularity of the team.

Schedule of the year:

January Challenge: 15-21 1. 2024 (registration from December)

May challenge: 1.-31. 2024 (registration from February 1, 2024)

September call: two weeks in September 2024 (registration from the end of August 2024)


We help improve cities

Thanks to the recording of participants’ routes via mobile applications, we obtain unique anonymized data on the movement of people on bicycles and on foot in Czech cities. This data can be used by cities to identify where cyclists and pedestrians actually move and where there are places where the infrastructure does not meet the purposes of safe and pleasant movement around the city. The participant of the challenge can thus contribute to the development of the city and movement through it, which has an impact on the development of safe and comfortable (bicycle) transport.

We help improve health

We know that even one month without using a car can significantly contribute to improving the condition, health and mood of the participants, help build team spirit and a good atmosphere in the company, and definitely contribute to a healthier city, in which it is easier to breathe. One month can also lead to a habit for the following months.


Principles of the Bike to Work Challenge


Create a team of 2-5 people (or register as an individual) and motivate your company to change.

Walk or ride regularly.

You walk, run, ride a bike or scooter and record your non-motorized trips to work during the challenge, or connect to your application.

Be part of it.

You will enjoy joint events with colleagues, improve your fitness, get to know your colleagues, lose weight, contribute to a cleaner city and you can win one of many prizes.

Influence the future.

Anonymized data about recorded routes from mobile applications serves cities to identify where cyclists and pedestrians actually move. The participant of the challenge can thus contribute to the development of the city and movement through it, which has an impact on the development of safe and comfortable (bicycle) transport.



In the next step, you will be redirected to the payment gateway.

In the next step, you will be redirected to the payment gateway.

In the next step, you will see the data needed to establish a payment in the bank.


Thank you very much for your support, we really appreciate it.

Please set up a payment in your bank according to the following information, so that we can recognize that it is a support from you.

in favor of the account: 2400063333/2010
amount: [amount]
variable symbol: [variable_symbol]
selected payment frequency: [freq]

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Support Bike to Work

Every year we improve the challenge to reach and involve more people, companies and cities. You too can contribute to the development of Bike to Work with your donation. You can make a donation in the amount of the regular entry fee, the benefit entry fee, or any amount you like.

What might be the challenge for you?

According to feedback from our participants, the most common motivation is:

Sharing and gaining new experiences with colleagues.
Improving your fitness and health.
Contribution to the improvement of the environment.

Interested in more? Check out the challenge website.


What can be a challenge for your company?

A better image of your company and the opportunity to win the title of Cyclist Employer of the Year.
Fun team building for you and your colleagues (in addition, in terms of price and production, it is incomparably friendlier than what is normally offered).
By supporting healthy and satisfied employees.

More reasons and benefits can be found on the challenge website.

What can be the challenge for your city?

Linked with 50 other cities that help improve their environment.
Data on the movement of challenge participants around the city. The anonymized data obtained in this way can subsequently be used to solve insufficient infrastructure or problem and accident sites. The more you involve your citizens, the more meaningful the data for analysis will be.
The Cycling City of the Year title and the visibility of your city.

You can find out what your city can get on the challenge website.

Thank you very much for your interest in what we do at AutoMat. About once a month, we will inform you by e-mail about current events, invite you to events and challenges, and once in a while we will ask if you want to get more involved.

But most importantly – we want to establish a relationship with you and we hope to meet in person someday. Then we will be able to best tell each other what we can do for each other to make our cities more joyful.

Thank you

Your AutoMat

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