Update of the Sustainable Mobility Plan: half of the money is missing for bicycle transport, hundreds of millions will continue to flow into the rings

17. 07. 2024, LAB , Urban Cycling

Prague councilors approved the update of the Sustainable Mobility Plan (P+) in June 2024. That is, the document that governs most of Prague’s transport finances. We evaluate the result as contradictory. Compared to the previous proposal, slightly more money will be spent on bicycle transport or pedestrian safety, but the implementation of a number of projects remains in sight. The goal of the Active Mobility Strategy, i.e. an increase in active mobility, will probably not be met.

Active mobility in Prague will not have sufficient support even in the coming years, despite the effects of the climate crisis and air pollution. The original proposal to update the Sustainable Mobility Plan from this spring counted on an even smaller amount of money. Even after our unofficial comments, there was an increase in the order of tens of millions. But that won’t be enough.

Specifically, if we add up all the chapters that relate to roads for bicycle transport, Prague should invest two billion crowns by 2030. Compared to the original proposal, this is 130 million more. It is enough? We welcome that there has been an increase, but according to our older estimates, we are still not even half of the total amount that would be needed to implement the basic cycle route network by 2030. And that is a big disappointment for us.

This means that the goal of the Active Mobility Strategy (approved by the HMP Council in 2022) of “a complete backbone network of cycling routes realized in a high standard, capacity and continuity of cycling measures” by 2030 will not be possible. And this will most likely defeat the main goal of this Strategy: increasing the share of bicycle traffic in Prague to a value of 3.5% (year-round average).

How did we get there? For example, the analysis of the European Cycling Federation from this February speaks clearly: the coverage of main routes with separate infrastructure is directly related to the level of use of bicycle transport in cities.

On the contrary, we are pleased with the subsidy program for Prague city districts to support active mobility. By 2030, 300 million crowns should be set aside in it. However, it should be noted here that it is not clear who will coordinate the program from the municipality. According to our information, the necessary positions have not yet been filled and without this it will not be possible to distribute subsidies.

We agree that, compared to the proposal, more money should also go to safety improvements at pedestrian crossings and other problematic places (by 100 million by 2030, but by 2026 the city plans to spend less money). There should also be an increase in investments for traffic calming at schools, in residential zones and in the Prague conservation area from 7 to 35 million crowns.

The city ring probably won’t help, but it will swallow half a billion anyway

Compared to the original draft of the P+ update, according to our information, the preparation of the Municipal ring road and Libeňská spojka has returned to the document. The strategic document estimates total costs at 112 billion crowns, with an astronomical 640 million just for project preparation in 2025-26. This is more than should go to direct investment in cycle transport in the same period.

At the same time, the update itself, approved by the Capital City Council, calls into question the significance of the completion of the City Ring: “However, it is not certain whether the new connection, given the annual increase in the number of cars in Prague in the order of thousands, will ensure smoother and faster passage through the city in the north-south and south- north. In any case, the commissioning is bound by the conditions of the EIA, which include the commissioning of all buildings at once, the calming of traffic in the area inside the City Ring in the form of a toll system and the commissioning of the Prague Ring.”

It is good to remember these conditions, and we add to this that today the vast majority of cars on the highway do not go through the inner city, but into it (87%), as it emerged from a survey for TSK.

Preparations have also returned to another megalomaniac building – the Radlická radial. The total cost estimate here is up to 35 billion crowns. 390 million is to be spent on the preparation of the building together with the Hostivařská Spojka in the next two years. In the case of the building in Radlice, the city itself states:

“At the same time, its operation poses the risk of major operational complications on the City Ring Road in the southwestern part of the city and the traffic induction of automobile traffic from suburban areas west of Prague. Furthermore, the competitiveness of public transport in the south-west of the city may be threatened.” Does this make sense to you?

Cheaper solutions can bring more benefits

Of course, record sums under P+ go to the construction of metro D (a total of 105 billion with the planned opening of the first section in 2031) using a loan from the European Investment Bank, and to the automation of line C, including new sets (almost 26 billion with implementation also in 2031).

Investments in public transport are understandable in Prague, which boasts one of the highest quality systems. At the same time, when looking at the sums of investments in public and road transport, it is necessary to consider whether, at a time when the city is struggling with the financial sustainability of public transport, not to invest in several cheaper projects so that it is possible to move around on foot and by bike.

We know from experience so far that investments in active mobility have always paid off in a crisis. Just look at the history of Copenhagen during the oil crisis in the 1970s or Lisbon during the financial crisis. And we don’t even have to go that far into history. Do you remember the global pandemic? As we summarized in our research, Barcelona, ​​Brussels, Paris and others – all of them were helped by quick and cheap investments in active mobility, from which they still draw today.

What will also be created by 2026?

Cycle route A1 connecting Trojský most–Stromovka

Cycle route A2 Přístaviště, Vyšehradský tunnel, stage II and exit from the shipyard

Cycle route A3 Railway Promenade – 1st stage (preparation and implementation depending on land availability, project coordination with the Railway Administration)

Cycle route A6 Argentinská – Dukelských hrdinů

By 2026, the reconstruction of the city streets will be started or completed: Seifertova, the upper part of Wenceslas Square, Klapkova, Dukelských hrdinů (as part of the construction or reconstruction of tram lines), Vinohradská and Plečnikova alej.

What projects will he not get into now?

2nd stage of the reconstruction of Křižovnická–Smetanovo nábřeží–Masarykovo nábřeží (note: the plan only includes a non-construction strengthening of the public transport preference).

Cycle route A2 (through the center)

Cycle route A4 (through the center)

Cycle route A9 Krejcárek–Balabenka and Northeast cycle highway: Vysočany

Design preparation Reconstruction of the Castle Corridor – a fundamental transformation of the streets and the introduction of a tram between Náměstí Republiky and Národní třída through Na Příkopě street.

Design preparation of tram Veletržní–Dělnická line

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