I wanted the motif to evoke playfulness, says the author of the visual for this year’s May Challenge

19. 01. 2025, Bike to Work

Markéta Černá is an illustrator who works a lot with children. It is also reflected in her processing of the annual visual of the May call to work by bike. How did her “beings” come about, which participants will wear on their chests for at least May this year? And will she also ride her bike to work with us? And where can you meet her?

What was the first thing that went through your mind when you learned that you had to design the visual for this year’s May Challenge?

I remember not believing at all that this was happening. I have been following and supporting what AutoMat is doing for a long time, I myself used to do workshops for children as part of Zažít město jinak. So I was excited and at the same time I don’t hide that it was a challenge for me as an artist on my journey as an illustrator. I was a little scared too, but I was looking forward to it.

And what was the journey to what it looks like in the end?

There were more of those ways. It was important for me to choose one that I would feel good on and that AutoMat would agree with. And it is true that cooperation is really pleasant. In the end, these creatures emerged from all of this, these undulating entities, with which I wanted to evoke playfulness and a sense of humor. Such creatures…

Why aren’t they human?

This probably has to do with the fact that I really enjoy drawing food and outer space. And it seems to me that everyone can somehow find themselves in these beings, not based on physiology, but on some feeling. Everyone who draws reflects a little bit of himself in his drawings. I was afraid that if they were people, they would all look a little like me. And I wanted to include as much diversity as possible.

Why did you choose these colors?

I like the idea that this particular color palette may not appeal to everyone at first glance. And again, I have to say that the work on finding the final color was very pleasant. Colors should evoke spring freshness.

Part of the implementation team of the May Challenge

Was the thought of 25,000 people carrying “you” in any way binding?

I still don’t get it. But you think about it differently than when you draw in a drawer. I wouldn’t say binding, but different. It sure is. I’m very curious how people will react to it.

Will you join the May Challenge?

I would definitely like to, but work is around the corner, so I will have to travel elsewhere. I will try to be with you, but it won’t be while traveling to work. I think the Bike to Work call is great and I thank you very much for what you are doing.

Where can people meet your next creation?

I’m active on social media as @blackcirclesandco and that’s probably the easiest way to reach me. We can certainly meet at various comic festivals, which I visit regularly.

Do you have a professional dream or goal?

I wanted to illustrate children’s books since I was little. And I believe I’m on the right track. I also want new viewers to come to me, so I’m really grateful for the opportunity to work for Bike to Work.

What would you say to the participants of the May challenge?

You have my admiration and respect. May you like the T-shirts and socks.

Photo: Eliška Dobnerová 

Registration to May Challenge opens up on February the 1st. More information on dopracenakole.cz/en

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