We educate at schools

We educate at schools

We’re in it. Prague transport and its dismal state only reflect a deep-seated habits and stereotypes of the inhabitants of Prague. Auto*Mat is fighting exactly against these social conventions.

To solve the problem of excessive car traffic is not possible without changing the daily transport behaviour of those who drive a car around Prague. And to change the behaviour can be ultimately done only by education. Therefore we think in the education of children at schools and we make efforts to eliminate the transport stereotypes from the Czech education system, which as a result leads to a crowded city full of cars.

Since 2009 Auto*Mat have developed and expanded an unique methodology designed for teachers of primary and secondary schools, and thanks to this method, the sustainable transport was introduced into the lessons of standard school subjects. So far, two hundred schools were involved throughout the Czech Republic. Thanks to it, driving habits of future generations will be different than ours.

The education project has its own website in Czech.

Education spread to Visegrad

A set of interactive activities designed for primary and secondary school children introduces the topic of sustainable transportation in an active, fun way. The set of interactive educational activities that took off recently in the Czech Republic will be adapted to the languages and cultures of the V4 countries. The set of activities is divided into 5 areas covering different aspects of transportation (e.g. how transport changes the city or how transport changes the life of people). The materials include full support for teachers such as photographs or videos on DVDs, detailed instructions and aids. The activities were piloted at 3 primary schools in the Czech Republic and will be introduced at 20 schools in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic as a pilot project during the summer semester of 2010/2011 with our full support, guidance and consultations for the school teachers. The translated DVDs will then be distributed to the total of 200 schools in Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic. Our Slovak partner currently works with us on the Green and Livable V4 project. We came into contact with our Polish partner from Wrocław thanks to the recommendation of other partners on Green and Livable V4 from Toruń.

Nakrmte AutoMat

Podpořte nás a staňte se tak členy Klubu přátel AutoMatu!

V dalším kroku budete přesměrováni na platební bránu.

V dalším kroku budete přesměrováni na platební bránu.

V dalším kroku uvidíte údaje potřebné k založení platby v bance.

měsíčně 1000,-

Děkujeme mnohokrát za Vaší podporu, moc si ji vážíme.

Prosíme, nastavte si platbu ve své bance podle následujících údajů, abychom poznali, že jde o podporu od Vás.

  • ve prospěch účtu: 2400063333/2010
  • částka: [amount]
  • variabilní symbol: [variable_symbol]
  • vybraná frekvence plateb: [freq]
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