Bike to Work Campaign

Bike to Work Campaign

The campaign „Bike to Work“ is intended to promote a bike as an ideal means of transport for going to work. Following the example of urban-type Berlin or Copenhagen we want also in Prague to encourage companies and employees to experience cycling to work at least for a month.

In 2014 nearly 6000 employees of 1129 companies from nineteen Czech and Moravian cities were cycling to work. Together during the month of competition they covered 1 250 000 kilometres.

The long-term intention of Auto*Mat is that more people living in the cities are transported to work by combination of public transport, walking and riding a bike or a scooter. These modes of transport make full use of urban qualities and at the same time are friendly to the city and its inhabitants. Along with the efficient use of cars, this is the way how to avoid negative effects associated with excessive individual car use in the cities.

More info on the campaign website

Nakrmte AutoMat

Podpořte nás a staňte se tak členy Klubu přátel AutoMatu!

V dalším kroku budete přesměrováni na platební bránu.

V dalším kroku budete přesměrováni na platební bránu.

V dalším kroku uvidíte údaje potřebné k založení platby v bance.

měsíčně 1000,-

Děkujeme mnohokrát za Vaší podporu, moc si ji vážíme.

Prosíme, nastavte si platbu ve své bance podle následujících údajů, abychom poznali, že jde o podporu od Vás.

  • ve prospěch účtu: 2400063333/2010
  • částka: [amount]
  • variabilní symbol: [variable_symbol]
  • vybraná frekvence plateb: [freq]
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