Is AutoMat the only one who criticizes the transport solution of the Vltava Philharmonic? No

In the EIA investigative procedure, the Prague 7 City Hall, the Transport Company of the Capital City of Prague, the associations Arnika, Bubny žijí!, Pěšky městem, and a number of residents, including architects, expressed their views on it negatively or with concern.

Our statement and comments to Vltava Philharmonic project

Conclusion of the EIA investigative procedure

From the statements we select:

Prague 7 district

The proposal should be adaptable to the future vision of the humanization of the highway after the completion of the urban ring road, which should ensure a lower intensity of car traffic (…) Traffic nodes must be designed as minimal barriers, with an emphasis on maximum permeability, fluidity, and safety of non-motorized traffic, i.e. people moving here on foot or by bike. From this point of view, it appears as an illogical fixation of some pedestrian routes, inappropriate location or absence of pedestrian crossings, barrier-like spatial separation of roads and ramps.

Transport company of city ​​of Prague

It is with regret that he is forced to state that the DPP’s comments and demands were never accepted. (…) The form presented in the EIA notification thus gives the impression that the notifier did not prepare the plan in variants because he did not want to meet the requirements of some concerned bodies and institutions. Specifically, the most fundamental error in the plan is the proposed change in the level of the tram line in Antonínská Street. This was checked in 2022 by an acoustic study with the result that it is a solution that does not comply with the applicable legislation and requires completely unacceptable restrictions on tram traffic.

Bubny žijí!

Without active efforts to reduce the intensity of traffic on Hlávkův bridge, Bubenské nábřeží and Argentinská street, the area around the future Philharmonic will become an even bigger traffic hub than it is today. (…) The association welcomes the intention (according to the Metropolitan Plan) to change Bubenská street to a road of only local importance, but emphasizes that this change will only make sense if it is accompanied by an active effort to reduce the traffic load on this street. He would welcome significantly greater participation of local residents in decision-making. This means (…) creating platforms for active and constructive dialogue of all interested partners, including local residents and associations.

Pěšky městem

The traffic solution fundamentally negatively affects the intensity of motor traffic, the urban and ecological development of the capital, especially because of its connection with the so-called North-South Highway (SJM), which is the source of excessive car traffic with all the negative impacts on the environment. (…) The solution is contrary to the Climate Plan of the capital. of the city of Prague by 2030, whose goals include reducing the intensity of car traffic (especially in the central part of the city) and increasing the attractiveness, capacity, and performance of non-motorized traffic. On the contrary, this project only conserves the current state and does not improve it in any way.

We therefore welcome that the Department of Environmental Protection recently decided to initiate an environmental impact assessment (EIA) in the case of the Vltava Philharmonic.

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