We invite you to the seminar Cycling infrastructure: standards and data

We cordially invite you to the seminar of the AutoMat association on cycling infrastructure and sustainable mobility for representatives of cities and municipalities, experts and the interested public.

Where and when?

31. 10. 2024, CAMP – Centrum architektury a městského plánování, Vyšehradská 2075, Praha

9.00–13.00 seminar

15.00–17.00 commented bike ride

Program of the seminar

  • results of pilot studies evaluating the impact of changes in public space from Prague, Bratislava and Budapest
  • results of research evaluating the subjective safety, accident rate of cyclists and observation of selected locations in Prague
  • active mobility standards in Prague and Ostrava
  • panel discussion on cycling infrastructure standards
  • afternoon guided ride around the cycling infrastructure in Prague

Possibilities of attendance

personally at the place or online

→ Registration here ←

For whom is the seminar intended?

For representatives of cities and municipalities, experts and the interested public.

The event is organized by AutoMat, z. s., and is held under the auspices of the 1st Deputy Mayor city ​​for transport Zdeňek Hřib.

The seminar is being held as part of the Cyclists for Prague projects with the financial support of the capital city of Prague and the Central European Active Mobility Lab supported by the European Climate Foundation.

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