We commented on the planned changes in the Ladronka park

The municipality of Prague 6 recently presented the planned improvements to the Ladronka park on its website. In addition to the expansion of the roller skating rink, the location of a new public sports field and the construction of a roller sports area for faster skaters are also planned. AutoMatu’s sustainable urbanism laboratory pointed out the problems that may arise.

On July 17, the Prague 6 Commission for Territorial Development discussed the plan for the expansion of the backbone railway in Ladronka. In a letter and in person, we warned the members that the project does not work in any way with the management of city-wide cycle routes that pass through Ladronka (A330, A140 and A15).

The Commission approved the plan, but at the same time requested the inclusion of AutoMat’s comments in its next stages.

The extension of the track and other planned projects in the locality is under the strategic Plan for Ladronka 2018–2028, which was approved by the Prague 6 Municipal Council in 2018. Unfortunately, it does not formulate any requirements for the management of cycle routes.

In addition to the Plan, there is no schedule with the distribution of funding from 2020, the previous one was not fulfilled. We drew attention to this as part of the meeting of the Commission, which is the advisory body of the City Council. The initiative to consider the overall update of the Plan was also mentioned.

It is a question whether such a large investment in the extension of the runway is really a priority and necessary for Ladronka at this moment.

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