A historic moment for the bike: European institutions have officially adopted the European Declaration on Cycling

10. 05. 2024, LAB , Urban Cycling

We welcome this historic milestone, which will serve as a strategic compass for politicians in the field of cycling, with enthusiasm. In April, the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission signed the European Declaration on Cycling, officially adopting the first interdepartmental cycling policy at European level.

European Declaration on Cycling, the EU’s most ambitious cycling initiative to date, recognizes cycling as a full-fledged means of transport. With eight core principles and 36 commitments, it describes cycling as one of the “most sustainable, accessible and inclusive, low-cost and healthy forms of transport and recreation, and its key importance for European society and the economy”.

Henk Swarttouw, President of the European Cycling Federation (ECF), said on the occasion: „The European Declaration on Cycling will be etched in history as a monumental milestone for the advancement of cycling in Europe. This inter-institutional declaration commits all European Institutions to support and enhance policies towards more cycling and to place it on the same level as other modes of transport. We are proud to have played a decisive role advocating for this declaration, alongside our members and our industry partners.”

Jill Warren, CEO of ECF, adds: “Today, we celebrate the adoption of the European Declaration on Cycling as a truly historic achievement. This declaration holds the potential to unlock the benefits of cycling for millions of European citizens, reflecting many of ECF’s longstanding advocacy and policy demands. With cycling elevated to a strategic priority, we stand ready to support the institutions in realising its full potential as a healthy and sustainable means of transport.”

Commitments at the highest level

The adoption of the European Declaration on Cycling follows a series of high-level political commitments on cycling, including the 2023 pledge by former Commission Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans, the European Parliament resolution on developing an EU cycling strategy, the European Cycling Declaration signed by the majority of member states and the announcement of the European Cycling Declaration Proposal by the EU Commissioner for transport by Adina Vălean at the Urban Mobility Days event in Seville last October. Earlier this year, the European Parliament’s Transport Committee overwhelmingly voted to adopt the European Declaration on Cycling.

This is the result of a joint effort between civil society, the cycling industry and government institutions. Its adoption sets the course for further coordinated actions to promote cycling as a sustainable and inclusive means of transport for all European citizens. ECF now calls on institutions to maintain their collaborative and consultative approach to ensure the successful implementation of the principles and commitments contained in the Declaration. Together with our members and wider stakeholders, we stand ready to fully support effective implementation.

6 specific points for politicians (not only) before the European elections

Director General Jill Warren and Director of Policy and Development Philip Amaral attended the signing ceremony at the Palais d’Egmont in Brussels on behalf of ECF. With the 2024 European Parliament elections approaching, ECF’s “Shift Gears for Europe” manifesto calls on EP candidates to commit to supporting cycling in the coming political period and making it a democratic, affordable and reliable means of transport for people of all income levels. The adoption of the European Declaration on Cycling provides MEPs with a unique opportunity to ensure that cycling is a priority in European politics. The manifesto contains six specific action points that MPs can take so that citizens can directly benefit from cycling.

The European Declaration on Cycling will also be a key topic of discussion at the flagship ECF Velo-city conference, which will be held on 18-21 June 2024 in Ghent, Belgium. It will bring together 1,500 delegates from cities and national governments, academics and industry representatives from more than 60 countries, and will also include a plenary session with representatives of the EU and national ministries, who will discuss and share their views on the meaning and implementation of the declaration. And we can only look forward to its results.

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